Jazz emotions

Special music genre

A cup of coffee on a rainy day with light jazz music in the background. The sound of splashing cars on the street. The ideal scenario to relax. Jazz is a special music genre. It responds enormously to our emotions. The sounds of the piano and saxophone reflect the feelings of the musician and bring you in the same mood. Jazz is actually the language of feelings. And it speaks to so many people worldwide. From the bars in New York to the Youtube playlist in Ghent. We all enjoy it. It doesn’t need words to speak. Jazz does not have a certain age group either. Young and old can listen to it.

Peace of mind

A study by the University of Ghent in 2016 showed that 2/3 of the students who took part, imposed jazz music while studying. Why is this the case? Because it gave them peace of mind. It gave students who live in the most small, dirty places the feeling that they were in a nice place. They were not distracted by their shabby walls. And they couldn’t hear the noisy people on the street. In rock, punk, rap, pop and blues music it is almost impossible to concentrate on anything else. These music genres demand more attention.


On the contrary, jazz has a special element. It helps you to understand your own voice. It brings creativity and concentration. Just because it is so difficult to understand the emotion sometimes. You can get happy from a sad song and sad from a happy song. The jazz emotions need their own interpretation from the listener. And the listeners each have different emotions and interpretations than the musicians. That’s why jazz is so emotional. It makes you think back to the old days. A cosy afternoon somewhere or a wedding or a movie. It can be different for everyone. It is a genre that has produced great legends and now further inspires the world.

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